The 14 th edition of the Africa Economy Builders Forum & Awards (Les Bâtisseurs de l’Economie Africaine) will bring together participants from around thirty countries. Among them, experts on crucial issues of African development, visionary entrepreneurs, champions of administration, innovators of tomorrow, fearless investors and exceptional women.
Like the whole world, Africa lives to the rhythm of multiple crises (health, economic, security, food, etc.). A situation of extreme fragility with enormous consequences for companies and investors forced to deal with the lack of visibility and uncertainties.
Like the whole world, Africa lives to the rhythm of multiple crises (health, economic, security, food, etc.). A situation of extreme fragility with enormous consequences for companies and investors forced to deal with the lack of visibility and uncertainties.
It is in this context that business leaders and institutions on the African continent refuse to give in to gloomy and distinguish themselves through action and impact. Come what may, they stay the course and set an example. It is these bold economic players driven by a sense of innovation who will be honored during a prestigious awards ceremony.
A platform for exploring the challenges facing Africa, the Builders Forum offers intense debates on the major concerns of the continent’s transformation. For its 11th edition, sustainable and inclusive development, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, digital and management will be at the heart of the discussions. As the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Akinwumi Adesina, argues, “Africa can no longer be satisfied with simply managing poverty. For our future and that of our children, we must eradicate it. "
While, from the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many experts predicted disaster, Africa, without neglecting the harmful effects of Covid-19, does better than resist. What prompts some specialists to wonder if this pandemic is not an opportunity to allow the African continent to boost its development. This unsuspected capacity for resilience leads us to believe that nothing will be completely as before.
Has conquered Africa arrived? What post-Covid economic outlook? What wise investments for the future? Has the time come for economic integration? Who will be the successful builders of tomorrow? Questions to which qualified experts will provide appropriate answers